Primary Program
The Primary classes are for students ages 2.5 to 6 years.
Primary Half Day
8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m 5 days a week, 3-day (T, W, Th) options are also available
The Primary Half Day program is for students aged 2.5 to 4.5. Students enrolling in this program attend school either 3 or 5 half-days per week (limited spaces available for the 3-day option). Older full-day and kindergarten students are also included in these classes; while working side by side with their younger peers, they serve as outstanding role models for the group.
The daily schedule for class includes circle time, snack time, work time, and a 30- minute playground time. In addition, the Primary classes enjoy Music and Spanish class once a week. Student-to-Teacher ratios are a maximum of 14 to 1 (or 8 to 1 for classes with students under 3 years) with each class staffed by an experienced Montessori Certified Teacher and a highly qualified Assistant (as needed based on group size).
Primary Full Day
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 5 days per week
The Primary Full Day program is for students aged 4.5 to 6 years and consists of a full school day from 8.30am to 3.00pm.
This schedule provides a BEAUTIFUL BALANCE between the larger class experiences in the morning followed by the smaller group experience in the afternoon. These afternoon hours allow our oldest (non-napping) students the time to delve further into their Montessori work, with even more individualized attention from the teacher. They work along side the Kindergarten students.
After the noon dismissal of the younger students, the afternoon schedule includes lunchtime, followed by additional individual and small group Montessori work time. Our Full-Day (Kindergarten) students attend longer enrichment classes in both Music and Spanish. This separate time with both the Music and Spanish Enrichment Teachers provides an invaluable opportunity for our oldest students to participate in more advanced learning in both these programs.